A “Self-Help” Guide to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) has a bad reputation for coming and going. It can be worse depending on your age and the type of work or hobbies you enjoy. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is worse in patients with diabetes, hypothyroidism, and inflammatory arthritis. It can also be worse for those on hormone replacement, that take birth control pills or that are pregnant. Obesity can also make Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms worse as well..

Here is a list of things that YOU can do to self-help when Carpal Tunnel Syndrome rears its ugly head:

1.  Rest/Activity: CTS symptoms often improve when taking “mini-breaks”. For example, if you are a musician, rest every 15 minutes or even one to two minutes when practicing. REST during any activity that requires heavy use of the hands, such as forceful gripping and/or fast repetitive movements, can REALLY help!

2.  Lose weight: Obesity increases the likelihood of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, especially if you’re over age 50 and female. It is recommended that you check your BMI and keep it under 30!

3.  Night Splints: The use of a night splint can also REALLY help. Awkward wrist positions while we sleep can wake us up with numbness, burning sensations, and pain. Wearing a splint can also be helpful if you have wrist pain while driving!

4.  Exercise: Staying active is good for everyone. Yoga has been studied and is an effective form of exercise for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Use your good judgment—if an exercise produces a sharp pain, it’s probably NOT good for you!

5.  CTS Specific Exercises: Stand at arms-length from a wall, keep the elbow straight and place your palm on the wall with your fingers pointing downward. Slowly bend the wrist to 90° (so that you feel a strong stretch in the forearm), then reach across with the opposite hand and pull your thumb back off the wall. Hold this five to ten seconds and repeat on the opposite side if needed. This can be repeated throughout the day.

6. CTS Workstation Ergonomic Modifications: It’s often easier to change a workstation than it is to change the worker. Make sure the computer monitor is directly in front of you. Keep the mouse in a comfortable location close to your body. Consider alternating positions with a sit to stand desk. Modify any set ups that cause extreme wrist positions.

7.  Manage health co-morbidities: Keep your diabetes, thyroid deficiency, hormone levels, and inflammatory conditions under control. This may require the proper medication(s) and/or nutritional support. Your chiropractor can help you with nutritional counseling!

8.  Manipulation: When you cannot adequately control your Carpal Tunnel symptoms or if you are getting worse despite your good efforts, seek care from a chiropractor. Manipulation, mobilization, modalities, and additional exercise training can prevent surgery in many cases! But don’t wait too long, as it’s more difficult to treat if Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has persisted a long time.

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Jonathan Woodward, D.C.

Woodward Chiropractic & Massage 6310 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 115 Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 490-9888