Lasting Back Pain Relief in North Dallas – Chiropractic Care That Works!
Say Goodbye to Back Pain – Personalized, Drug-Free Treatment for Long-Term Relief!
If you are living with back pain then our chiropractic care in North Dallas TX might help you find relief. Back pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint. It can lead to loss of mobility, make just about everything more difficult, and rob the joy out of life.
Statistics show almost 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point. Many will experience 10 or more back pain episodes during their lifetime. The impact of back pain is huge! Over 149 million days of work are lost each year costing an estimated $100 to 200 billion/year primarily in wages and lost productivity.
Dr. Woodward has helped thousands of North Dallas patients find relief from their back pain and hip pain here at Woodward Chiropractic & Massage.
Back Pain Relief in North Dallas TX
Hi, I just wanted to take a minute to say a couple words about Dr Woodward. I’ve been coming to him for years… when my back has been so bad sometimes where I can barely walk. He’s adjusted me and helped me. So I think that he’s a good doctor to see if you have any issues with your back. Or consult with him and he can tell you the proper ways to take care of your back. If you have any issues, whatsoever, I can totally recommend going to see Dr Woodward! So, schedule something today!
For more videos on back pain please visit our YouTube channel!
Hi, my name is Joy. I came in because I was having back pain. I actually have been having back pain for a long time. I got in a car accident and so that made it worse. After coming here for a few weeks it’s been super helpful. I can do a lot of things that I couldn’t do before. I would definitely recommend!
For more videos on back pain please visit our YouTube channel!
So, this is Rich and you’ve been treating with us for.. what, a couple weeks? Yeah, probably a little bit closer to a month now. Okay. Tell me why you came in came. I came in because I’ve been trained for a strongman competition. I’m actually competing on April 7th. I’ve been having a lot of lower back pain, upper back pain, my ribs pop out, and I’ve just been losing sleep, and muscle tightness, and just all-around pain in my back and shooting through my legs and everything, so…Awesome. So how did you do it therapy? it’s been it’s been great! I’ve been coming here for about a month like we said. I sleep better at night. My training is been going phenomenal. I am NOT pulling ribs out anymore. Cool! All around it I feel like I’m feeling a new man coming here so… Awesome! So would you recommend us to friends and family? Oh, definitely! I’ve already recommended you to a couple people! So hopefully they get in here soon. All right, awesome! yep!
For more videos on back pain please visit our YouTube channel!
I was having a severe back pain on the lower right, right lower back. I was doing a crossfit and playing in multiple games and I couldn’t… the mobility of my body was not that strong. I was feeling the right part of my body was a stronger and there was a muscle imbalance in my body.
And I was just googling all around Dallas who was the best chiropractic that who can help me. So I found Dr Woodward and I went through the reviews which was written by all over the users. And I felt like just give it a shot and see what he can do. So I came here…
As soon as I came here he figured out what the problem in my body is. He suggested me a massage and two or three sessions with him. Within the three sessions I’m feeling good now and it’s just my back pain, my mobility and all is fine now! And I recommend everyone to see “the Best chiropractic in Dallas!”
For more videos on back pain please visit our YouTube channel!
You came in last week with some really bad knee and back pain. So we went ahead and ran a session for you, and tell me about how that went for you? Well, it hurt! But gradually, day by day, since last week it has gotten so much better! I just couldn’t believe the difference. The pain all the way across now has gone down to one small area that is not really something I can’t deal with. So you tell me… like as a percentage how much improvement would you mean? Oh my gosh… 75 – 80%. That’s fantastic! Really, I’m not lying…It surprised the heck out of me. Okay… yeah and you were saying it’s like almost like a miracle?! Okay great, thanks! I’m just so grateful. Yeah, I really didn’t expect it… but it worked!
For more videos on back pain please visit our YouTube channel!
We did what? Maybe 10 minutes worth of therapy. We tested you out. You had about an 8 out of 10 pain from moving some boxes and stuff around in the storage unit between the mid-back in the hips. We just did the therapy and as a percentage how much better would just say that it is? So I would say that I feel about 90% maybe 95% better. Its fantastic! I can move. This has been hurting all day long. I can actually move without any pain or discomfort! Awesome! Its fantastic. I love it! Thank you.
For more videos on back pain please visit our YouTube channel!
This is Mr. Vernon Bell who’s been coming to Woodward Chiropractic for a few years. I just want to just share with us some of the results he’s been having. Yes, I’ve had back pain in my upper middle back for really many, many years. Unless I have an adjustment periodically it becomes so miserable that I cannot sleep at night. I get 2 to 4 hours of sleep then I’m awake the rest of the night. Dr. Woodward is one of the few chiropractors, and I’ve gone to many, that has been able to actually move that and do it gently and consistently. I highly encourage anyone that has this kind of problem to come on in and see the doctor. And stay with whatever regimen he sets up for you.
For more videos on back pain please visit our YouTube channel!
Learn More About Back Pain Treatment in North Dallas TX
Back Pain Articles – Visit our Back Pain Blog to read more about the causes of back pain, treatments for hip and back pain, and simple exercises you can do at home to relieve back and hip pain affordably and quickly at home!
Get Started – Schedule a consultation to get relief from your back or hip pain. We offer same or next day appointments and many times you are able to walk out feeling significant improvement immediately after your first chiropractic adjustment. Visit our services page, meet our staff, or learn how easy it is to get started as a new patient in our chiropractic office.
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