Headaches Articles

Chiropractic Care for Patients with Headaches

Though there are many different type of headache, many involve both the upper cervical region (the neck) and the head. Between the muscles that attach to the head and neck, the ligaments that hold the vertebrae together, the blood vessels that allow blood to flow to and from the head,

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Can Chiropractic Help Dizziness?

Many of us have had problems associated with dizziness from time to time and have not thought much about it. But when dizziness happens frequently, lasts a long time, or is severe, it definitely gets our attention and forces us to get it checked out. BACKGROUND To determine how common

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Migraine Headaches and Nutrition?

Migraines are the nineteenth most common patient complaint worldwide. In the United States, 18% of women and 6% of men experience at least one migraine headache episode each year. There is evidence that patients with migraines have a digestive disorder associated with their glucose intake. Adopting a strict ketogenic diet

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Whiplash and Concussion – Important Nutritional Considerations

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is one of the many conditions that can accompany a whiplash injury. The term is often used interchangeably with a concussion. While “post-concussion syndrome” and TBI (without the word “mild”) refer to long-term residual symptoms. Symptoms associated with mTBI initially include dizziness, nausea, and headaches

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Deep, Slow Breathing for Pain Management?

Deep slow breathing (DSB) widely manages various diseases of the heart and lungs. It also manages psychiatric disorders including anxiety, depression, and stress-related conditions. There appears to be some research to support DSB as being helpful for pain management. Although, the results have been inconsistent. However, a 2012 study suggests

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Chiropractic Care for Older Headache and Neck Pain Patients

Neck pain and headaches are leading causes of pain that affect hundreds of millions of seniors worldwide. Recently, the use of chiropractic care for elderly adults with headaches and/or neck pain has been poorly understood. Questionnaires by 288 chiropractors reveal that about 28.5% of their patients are over the age

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Migraines and Lifestyle Choices

For adults under 50 years of age, migraine headaches are one of the leading causes of disability. There are several potential underlying causes for the condition. One of which appears to be a proinflammatory and oxidative state in the body. Fortunately, this can be addressed through healthier lifestyle choices. Low-grade

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Headaches, Hygiene, and Pillows

We often hear about dental hygiene and how to eat right. When was the last time you considered if you slept well in a way that does not stress the spine? Most of us know it’s important to avoid head and neck trauma because serious and devastating injuries can occur.

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What Headaches Might Be Telling the Body

Our bodies often let us know there is something not quite right, but are we listening? Too often in life, with hectic day-to-day schedules, getting the kids to school and so on, we cannot be troubled by these little warning signs. So we often just take a pill to mask

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Headaches and a Short Leg

15-20% of headaches originate in the neck. Dysfunction in the neck can put pressure on the three nerves that innervate the head. This causes the symptoms associated with a cervicogenic headache.  The posture of the neck is also important. There is normally a forward curve of the neck, which keeps

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picture of Jonathan Woodward, D.C.

Jonathan Woodward, D.C.

Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
6310 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 115
Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 490-9888