What do low back pain and balance have to do with one another? Well, a lot! First, poor balance can lead to falling. Falling is the number one cause of injuries after the age of 70 (which includes low back pain). Unfortunately, as we age, we lose both balance AND bone density. When it comes to falling, this combination can result in fractures of the vertebra, commonly in the lower back region. Below is a chart that shows the “normal” length of time we should be able to stand on one foot (eyes open and eyes closed):
Normal Length of Time to Balance
As this chart illustrates, over time, we rapidly lose our ability to balance, especially when we close our eyes. In fact, many of us cannot stand on one leg with our eyes closed for more than a few seconds. Try it! Stand in a corner of a room or in a doorway where you can grab onto the wall. (We certainly do not want you to fall during this test!) Look at your watch or a clock with a second hand and count out loud each second on the clock. Once you have the rhythm down, try counting first with your eyes open for 30 seconds, and then try it again with your eyes closed. Now, switch legs and try it again. If you’re not pleased with your performance, try it over again a few times. If you’re like most of us, you may feel a little inadequate right now. Most of us need to start including some “balance exercises” into our daily routine.
Balance – Conclusion
So, why is it that we lose our balance so easily as we age? This is mostly because we become less active or more sedentary as we advance in age. We’re not interested in doing activities that require balance because of fears, like falling down. Remember, when we were young(er), we romped around and bounce off walls and fell all the time. It was “routine” to come home from school with grass stains on our knees and backyard sports always resulted in falling. In fact, getting on the floor to play with the grandkids usually leaves us sore for at least a few days. Now, I’m not suggesting we all run out and start rolling down hills, jump up and down, or purposely fall down, but including active “balance” exercises into our daily routine is THE LEAST we should do. So, go for a brisk walk or a slow jog, ride a bike, or walk in the park on uneven ground – it’s good for our “proprioception!” When searching for a chiropractor in North Dallas to help increase posture and balance, contact Woodward Chiropractic to schedule an appointment today! Walk-ins are welcome.