Neck Pain Articles
Neck Pain and Cervical Disk Herniation
Neck pain can arise from many sources. For example, there are ligaments that hold bones to other bones that are non-elastic and very strong. There are muscles and tendons that tear as well and can be referred to as a strain. Injuring the ligament during activity is referred to as
Neck Pain Treatment Options
Neck pain is a very common problem. In fact, two-thirds of the population will have neck pain at some point in life. It can arise from stress, lack of sleep, prolonged postures (such as reading or driving), and sports injuries. Whiplash injuries, arthritis, referred pain from upper back problems, or
Neck Pain – When Should I Come In?
Neck pain is one of the most common complaints patients have when they come to a chiropractic office for the first time, second only to low back pain. Neck pain affects all of us at some point in life, and for some, it can become a chronic, permanent problem that
Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain (Part 2)
Earlier, we covered the first two of four primary goals when it comes to the chiropractic management of neck pain (#1 – Pain Management and #2 – Structural realignment). Now, we will conclude this discussion with #3 – Functional Restoration and #4 – Prevention. 3) FUNCTIONAL RESTORATION Restoring function basically allows
Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain (Part 1)
Neck pain is a very common condition that drives many patients to seek chiropractic care. Treatment planning typically includes four primary goals: 1) Pain Management; 2) Structural Realignment; 3) Functional Restoration; and 4) Maintenance / Prevention. 1) PAIN MANAGEMENT Getting rid of pain is the primary focus of ALL patients in
Help for Chronic Non-Specific Neck Pain Patients
Chronic non-specific neck pain is the most common form of neck pain. The inclusion of the word “non-specific” implies the cause of neck pain is unknown. The term really describes neck pain without an underlying disease or pathology—like an infection or osteoporotic fracture. Thus, chronic non-specific neck pain refers to
Neck Pain Causes and Treatment
We all know what it feels like to have limited neck motion. Most of us have had neck pain at some point in time. It makes doing simple things like backing up a car, rolling over in bed, reading and watching TV difficult-to-impossible. The goal of this article is to
Neck Pain Prevention Tips
Neck pain is very common! According to one study, between 10-21% of the population will experience an episode of neck pain each year with a higher incidence rate among office workers. Between 33-65% will recover within one year, but most cases become “chronic, recurrent” meaning neck pain will come and
What’s Better for Neck Pain, Medication or Chiropractic?
Medication and chiropractic are utilized by neck pain sufferers. Everyone doesn’t want to or can take certain medications due to unwanted side effects. For those who aren’t sure, it would be nice if research was available to answer the question posted above. Let’s take a look! PCP Treatment When people
Surgery for Neck and Arm Pain?
All healthcare providers may be bias about certain things. If a patient with neck and arm pain presents to a chiropractic clinic, the chiropractor will recommend a non-surgical trial of care as long as “red flags” don’t exist. (“Red flags” are “bad” things like bowel/bladder weakness, rapidly worsening symptoms, and
Jonathan Woodward, D.C.
Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
6310 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 115
Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 490-9888