Neck Pain Articles
Neck Pain – Management Strategies
When you make an appointment for a chiropractic evaluation for your neck pain, your chiropractor will provide both in-office procedures and self-help approaches. As a “team”, you can manage your neck pain or headache complaint to a satisfying end-point. So, what are some of these procedures? Let’s take a look!
Neck Pain – The MOST Important Exercises (Part 3)
This series (Part 1 and Part 2) has included exercise recommendations to self-manage neck pain, headache, upper back pain, and dizziness. This month’s topic involves enhancing coordination, which may be the most important topic in this three-part series! Coordination-based exercises are important because they stimulate our neuro-motor system and can help restore
Neck Pain – The MOST Important Exercises (Part 2)
Exercises that focus on improving posture, flexibility, strength, and coordination are important for creating a well-rounded cervical rehabilitation program. Our discussion continues this month with stretching and strengthening exercises. STRETCHING Our neck muscles have to hold up our 12-pound (~5.5 kg) head. It’s no wonder why our neck muscles seem
Neck Pain – The MOST Important Exercises (Part 1)
Neck pain can occur for many different reasons, but what can you do about it? That’s the BIG question! As discussed last month, exercise training is an important part of the chiropractic management process. Let’s take a close look at which exercises are MOST important with respect to self-management strategies.
Exercises for Improving Cervical Posture
Is there a “normal” or “best posture” out there? If so, what is it? Posture is largely inherited; however, there are also environmental, social, and other forces that can affect posture. Some say “good posture” is the position that places the least amount of strain on the body. In particular,
My Aching Neck! Can Chiropractic Help?
Similar to back pain, neck pain affects almost all of us at some point in life, and the severity can range from mild stiffness to complete incapacitation. Chiropractic care offers a non-drug, non-surgical method of treatment that MANY neck pain sufferers utilize and benefit from. The following is a description
How Does Neck Pain Cause Headaches?
Headaches can arise from many different causes. A partial list includes stress, lack of sleep, allergies, neck trauma (particularly sports injuries and car accidents), and more. In some cases, the cause may be unknown. A unique common denominator of headaches has to do with cervical spine anatomy. To be precise,
Neck Pain and Sinusitis – What’s the Connection?
The connection between our sinuses and headaches is well-established. What about the relationship between neck pain and our sinuses? Is there a connection? Sinusitis Sinusitis is very common in the spring when pollen counts are high and times when the cold and flu are rampant. It usually manifests with a
What Is Cervical Spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis (CS) is another term for osteoarthritis (OA) of the neck. It is a common, age-related condition that you will probably develop if you live long enough. If you suffered a neck injury as a youth, it can develop within five to ten years of the injury. It is
Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain
There are many studies about the benefits and efficacy of spinal manipulation to treat back pain. Many medical doctors frequently refer patients with back pain to chiropractors for this service. But what about neck pain? Although it’s taken a little longer to compile the evidence, there is now substantial research
Jonathan Woodward, D.C.
Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
6310 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 115
Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 490-9888