Taking Steps to Manage Chronic Low Back Pain

Statistically, low back pain is a condition that will affect nearly 90% of people. It’s both a leading cause of disability and the primary reason patients visit a chiropractor. In addition to manual therapies provided in the office, chronic low back pain patients are generally advised to stay or become more active. This not only aids in the recovery process but can also help reduce the risk of back pain recurrence. Can daily walks accomplish this or is a more comprehensive exercise routine more effective?

The beauty of walking is that it stimulates various senses (visual, olfactory, and aural). Walking also activates several muscle groups, increases circulation, opens the airways, and aids in digestion. Best of all, it can be done pretty much anywhere and at very little cost aside from a pair of good shoes.

Chronic Low Back Pain Review

A 2019 literature review found that for patients with chronic low back pain, walking provided similar benefits as other forms of exercise. This is with respect to pain intensity, disability, quality of life, and fear avoidance. Interestingly, researchers observed that adding walking to a more structured exercise program didn’t lead to greater improvement. However, they noted that additional studies need to be conducted to determine if a specific walking speed, distance, or another factor can improve overall outcomes.

These findings correspond to a systematic review conducted three years prior. It also reported the effectiveness of walking on the ground versus a treadmill. This compares with other forms of exercise for patients with chronic low back pain. Another systematic review published a year later confirmed that walking can provide both short- and long-term benefits to patients with chronic low back pain for improving both pain and disability.

The data suggests that a daily walk has a place in a multimodal treatment approach for managing chronic back pain. This can include spinal manipulation, mobilization, and other manual therapies. In addition to physiotherapy modalities, nutritional advice, ergonomics instruction, and more.

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Jonathan Woodward, D.C.

Woodward Chiropractic & Massage 6310 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 115 Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 490-9888

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