Chiropractic Methods for Treating Neck Pain

Chiropractic Methods for Treating Neck Pain

When it comes to neck pain, many patients seek chiropractic care. There are several studies demonstrating that manual therapies from chiropractors can offer significant benefits for non-specific or mechanical neck pain. They can also treat neck pain arising from injuries related to sports, car accidents, and falls. Here are some of these manual therapies.

Spinal Manipulative Therapy & Mobilization

Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) involves moving the head and neck to a firm end-range of movement. It’s followed by a fast, thrust aimed at specific joints that are fixed, subluxated (partially out of position), and tender. The description of the thrust is “high-velocity, low amplitude” (HVLA) movement. An adjustment is a proper term that is unique to the chiropractic profession. Joint cavitation (the “cracking” sound) occurs as gas either forms within or when gas releases from the joint.

Spinal mobilization (SM) is a low-velocity, low-amplitude movement that is typically slow and rhythmic. Gradually, it increases the depth of a back-and-forth movement, often combined with manual traction. Here, joint cavitation is less common.

Manual Modalities

Exercise training focuses on strengthening the deep neck flexor muscles. Other exercises are specifically designed for each individual patient based on their specific needs. It can result in better treatment outcomes compared to a generalized, non-specific exercise program. Studies in which SMT/SM and exercise are combined report better long-term outcomes than SMT/SM alone. SMT/SM typically outperforms exercise therapy alone.

Physical therapy modalities (PTM) can include ultrasound, interferential, low and high volt, galvanic current, diathermy, lasers (class 3B and IV primarily), ultraviolet, ionto- and phono-phoresis, pulsed electromagnetic field, hot/cold, and more.

Muscle release techniques (MRTs) include massage therapy, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, muscle energy techniques, active release therapy, gua sha, and many more.

Cervical traction devices can be used either in the office or at home, depending on the patient’s needs; however, it’s common for both approaches to be used. The obvious benefits of home traction include the ability to repeat its use multiple times a day, and it’s generally more cost-effective. Types include static traction that can be applied sitting or supine (on the back) and intermittent traction, which is typically performed supine and is computerized, and hence, is often limited to in-office use only.

Which approaches are used in the course of care depend on the preference of the patient as well as the treating chiropractor. It’s important to discuss your preferences with your chiropractor when seeking care.

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Jonathan Woodward, D.C.

Woodward Chiropractic & Massage 6310 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 115 Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 490-9888