Two Hip & Core Muscle Exercises for Hip and Low Back Pain

When it comes to the human body, an issue in one area can contribute to problems elsewhere. For example, one study found that 3-in-5 patients with hip impingement also suffer from clinically significant low back pain. They also have increased disability in one location that’s associated with greater disability in the other. When managing a patient with a musculoskeletal disorder of either the hip or low back, it’s important to incorporate exercises that promote trunk stability, core strength, and hip muscle function.

In a 2021 study, researchers compared various exercises to identify which work best to promote muscle activation in the trunk and the hips. With the aid of surface electromyography, they identified two exercises that aren’t usually a part of a hip/low back rehabilitation program. These exercises may produce better results than the standard plank and abdominal crunch:

Hip & Core Muscle Exercises

  • Half-Kneeling Self-oblique: Perform a standard lunge by stepping forward with your left leg. Bend the knee and hip 90 degrees, resting the right knee and lower leg on the floor behind you. Next, place your right hand on the inside of the left knee and apply inwards pressure against your hand. Repeat this on the opposite side.
  • Supine Self-oblique: Laying on your back, bend your left knee 90 degrees with your left foot flat on the floor. Cross your right ankle over your left knee and apply pressure with your left hand against your right knee. Repeat this on the opposite side.

The authors recommend starting with about 20-50% maximum voluntary contraction for about three-to-five seconds. When you’re more comfortable, gradually increase the pressure and repetitions over time.

Depending on your fitness level and other factors, your chiropractor may recommend modifications to these exercises. This is so they are easier to perform and can be done while seated when you’re in public. Exercises like these are typically part of a multimodal approach. That can include spinal manipulation, mobilization, soft tissue therapy, physiotherapy modalities, and nutrition recommendations.

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Jonathan Woodward, D.C.

Woodward Chiropractic & Massage 6310 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 115 Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 490-9888

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