Category: Wellness

Neck Pain: How To Find Relief

An episode of neck pain can quickly hamper your everyday activities. Whether you began experiencing pain due to injury, degenerative spinal changes, or poor posture, it can be difficult to think about anything except the pain when you’re struggling. It’s estimated that 70% of people experience neck pain in their life, but you should know there is a path towards

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Is My Arm Pain Coming from My Neck?

Pain in your hand, wrist, or arm can be frustrating. You don’t realize how much you use your arms and hands until pain, numbness, or tingling gets in the way. Most of us don’t usually think that an issue in our neck may cause our arm pain. But it’s very common that arm pain can be traced back to a

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How a Pinch in Your Neck Can Affect Your Whole Body

Have you been told that you have spinal stenosis? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from spinal stenosis each day, and it’s the number one reason people over 65 years old have spine surgery. Spinal stenosis is the compression, or pinching, of your spinal cord. It can occur due to a disc herniation, bone spur, or ligament

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Posture: Balancing Strength and Flexibility

Both strength and flexibility play a significant role in how your posture develops. For instance, a strong and flexible core helps the body dynamically adapt to every environment. The spine is supported and moves well, reducing the possibility of injury or pain. While it’s true that “perfect” may not exist, improving our strength, flexibility, and ergonomics goes a long way

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How Your Smartphone Impacts Your Posture

Believe it or not, many of us spend 3 hours or more per day on our smartphones. That adds up to over 1,000 hours each year! And the positions we tend to hold our heads in while using our devices can be, well… damaging. You are damaging to your posture and damaging to your spine. It’s not surprising that over

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How to Improve Your Posture

When discussing posture, we often refer to your body’s overall position as you stand, sit, or lie down. Most experts would agree that a “good” overall posture involves physical positions that reduce stress on the body by balancing the load placed on the muscles and ligaments that support the spine. If you’ve looked in the mirror and noticed that your

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E-Learning: How to Avoid Tech Neck

The countless daily hours kids spend on phones and computers can significantly contribute to tension headaches. It’s estimated that kids spend up to 1,400 hours per year in the exact positions attributed to the development of “Tech Neck.” That’s not

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Lets Power Your Child’s Brain with Movement

Years ago, many believed that the health benefits of exercise were limited to the body. However, research has demonstrated that regular physical activity and movement can benefit the body and the brain. Recent studies have highlighted that movement can improve the supply of oxygen to the brain and promote the production of new cells. It also aids in creating new

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picture of Jonathan Woodward, D.C.

Jonathan Woodward, D.C.

Woodward Chiropractic & Massage
6310 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 115
Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 490-9888